How it Works
The trade analyzer evaluates dozens of statistical categories, player expectations, performance trends, injuries, and comparisons to similarly positioned players. The higher the player rating, the better the player. The team with the most points is the winner of the trade.
In the thumbnail to the right, you'll notice various player names with a rating in red. Click on any of these to see expanded player rating explanation, performance graphs, and player news from around the web.
Below we will explain in more detail the various features of the trade analyzer.
Player Rating Breakdown
The player rating breakdown box appears once you click on the number next to the player. It provides a detailed analysis on how we came up with the player's rating.
The screenshot to the left provides a small portion of what to expect. As of writing this Votto had just got hurt and the trade analyzer alerts you of a possible serious injury.
Experts rank him as a Top 3 1B and his numbers back up that assessment. Further below (not pictured) you'll see breakdowns for where Votto's ranks in batting average, on base percentage, RBI, Home Runs, and more. We also show you how his numbers compare to the exact same point this season compared to last season.
Player Graphs
The player graph box provides a detailed analysis on how this player has performed recently when compared to similarly positioned players. Rodgers' performance (orange line) has performed extremely well against the compeition.
When mousing over any point in the line graph, you'll see a detailed breakdown of that particular day. You'll see what the best QB had to offer, the average QB, and where Rodgers ranks.
This graph is unique for each player and gives a clear indication of performance trends.
Additional Information
Football Trade Analyzer is powered by FantasySP, which is an industry leading Fantasy Sports site. If you have any questions, please email me directly at